Ryan Hodges 1981 1 200x300 - About Me

My Story

                As a child raised in a middle-class family, I was taught to work hard, get good grades in school, attend college and graduate with a degree. Then I’d be able to have a successful career and never worry about finances again.

                After graduating college, getting my first job, and saving up money, I like most middle-class American’s, bought a house, a car, and even a couple of motorcycles. As a single male, I was living “The Dream” or so I thought. After a few years of owning a four-bedroom house, a nice sport car, and the toys, I realized that these material things only provided temporary happiness.

                At the time, I was working as a mechanical engineer in the corporate world and making great money. However, I had multiple superiors and managers pulling me in so many different directions I didn’t know which end was up most of the time. I was given unreasonable deadlines on projects that only allowed me to do a half-ass job at times. Projects that I had worked on for several weeks or sometimes even months, were pulled due to decisions made up the management chain.

                On top of that, working in an office with no windows and being inside all day, day after day, was soul sucking. With little to no appreciation being given for my efforts, there was virtually zero job satisfaction. I was beginning to dread going into work and it literally began to feel like Groundhog Day (the movie). That job left me stressed out and I was stuck in the Rat Race!

                Looking for a way out, I began to study personal finance, business, and investing. I fell in love with the idea of financial independence, passive income, and dreams of an early retirement. However, I quickly realized that an early retirement wasn’t going to be possible for decades to come.

                Exploring other options, I looked for other jobs within my industry. Eventually I took another job, and while it was much better it still had many of the same problems and issues associated with large corporations and left me yearning for something more!

                I realized I had three options. One, I could continue to work until retirement in a job that I didn’t enjoy. Two, I could downsize and sell all of my stuff and live in a shack in the woods. Three, I could learn new skills and build a business that I was passionate about. A business that would allow me to generate passive income, live life on my own terms, and make an impact in this world!

                If you are stuck in a job you hate, want to build a business, make more money, or are just looking for a more balanced lifestyle, I can help you…

                Find a vision for your life!  Discover a life full of joy and happiness! Create a life full of passion and purpose!  Succeed in living a life on your own terms!          

                Develop a plan to achieve your financial goals. Break down the steps you need to take and eliminate any obstacles or barriers you may be facing. Build the lifestyle you desire!

                 Ryan Hodges

                 Founder of: Mind of The Financier

                 E-mail: ryan.hodges@mindofthefinancier.com

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